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Do you know if swimming is safe at the beach today?

Can you spot a rip current?

Do you know how to get out of a rip current? 

Rip currents claim almost 100 lives every year. We want to share the knowledge of how to protect yourself while having fun at the beach.

We've teamed up with Reverse Alert! Get real-time alerts when your local beach is a no-swim zone.

Reverse Alert Tip: Subscribe to "Coastal Beach Alerts" under "Community Alerts".

Learn how to protect yourself

Learn the basics of how to protect yourself in a rip current. There are many videos and resources, but they all give you the basic tips - don't fight the rip!

More information can be found through the NOAA.

Can you spot a rip current?

Learn more from Dr. Beach about what a rip current is and how to spot one. 

Find more information on his website here.

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